Besides my love and passion for photography I also love tapping into my creative side. For so long I have always had a desire to offer graphic designing to companies. In the last few months I have been so blessed to be able to be part of a group called Soar Sisters! Soar Sisters is a group of women who are new in the photography business. We offer support, advice, resources, inspiration, positive comments and so much more that makes this group of women extraordinary! This group came about after the very talented
MeRa Koh offered 3 beautiful women a Soar Scholarship . So many brave women submitted video tapes letting
MeRa know why they felt they deserved this wonderful scholarship to help grow their business. After the 3 women were chosen the Soar Sisters group formed to offer all the other women who were not chosen a chance to Soar as well. Not only do we support one another, but we also get the chance to follow along
MeRa's Soar site and partake in the same exercises as the 3 women who were chosen. It has been so neat to see the growth each photographer has made in just the last few months.
I noticed that there was a need for logos, so I decided to offer complimentary custom logo designs to 5 of my Soar Sisters! Not only was this helping them brand their business, it helped me as well. I had the pleasure of working with 5 wonderful women for the last few weeks. Getting to know them and finding out what their style was has been such an awesome learning experience for me in so many great ways. Thanks to the 5 women who gave me this opportunity, it has been such a blessing to me. I hope your logos represent you as an artist, a photographer and who you are. May the Lord guide you in your business and bless you for years to come.