The Le Bébé Session is dedicated for your precious new baby. I have two different package options....
Package A: Le Bébé Newborn is good for one session of me coming to your home and spending 2-3 hours with you and your baby. These sessions tend to take more time due to feeding and soothing your baby. This package is $100.00 for the session fee and right now I am offering a special of 25 FREE photo baby announcements of your favorite pose.
Package B: Le Bébé First Year is a special package for your baby that will tell a story of his or her first year of life. This includes the newborn session, 3 month old, 6 month old, 9 month old and a special 1st birthday session. Besides the newborn session, each session is between 30 minutes - 1 hour long and can be done indoors or outdoors. This complete package is $400.00 and right now as a special I will include 25 FREE photo baby anouncements of your favorite pose and a FREE personalized photo book filled with pictures taken throughout the year.
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