Friday, March 12, 2010

Tour across the US: Salt Lake City ~ Personal {Oregon Photographer...Shelley Hohe}

Here are some photos taken of some beautiful churches in Salt Lake City, Utah. We really enjoyed SLC it is one of the cleanest metropolitan cities i have ever seen. There is so much to see there but we did not have too much time to look around. I am glad that we were able to see some beautiful architecture!

Our first part of our trip has been quite an adventure..... in Medford we ran into a snow storm, in Klamath Falls we had f15 fighter jets fly right over and around our car, our own personal air show. In Nevada we saw nothing but but donkeys in the middle of the road, our first overnight stop was in Salt lake City where we explored some amazing churches, Wyoming was not very exciting and made it difficult to play i-spy, we also had a hard time driving due to an ice storm so we ended up staying over in Cheyenne Wyoming. I was so tired last night that i thought we made it to Nebraska but we didn't due to the storm. So now we are a little behind schedule.

Not only is the cold, snowy weather slowing us down, but when mapping out our road trip i forgot to factor the time differences in. We feel like we are chasing time. Well at least on the way back we will get that extra time to d0 a little more exploring. We were wanting to stop in Kansas today to go to the Wizard of Oz Museum but due to the fact we are running behind schedule, we will have to stop there on the way back.

I thought i would have taken more pictures but with it being absolutely freezing it is making it hard to want to get out of the car ;) I used to think i preferred the cold over the heat, but this cold is chilling to the bone. Definitely not good for my sensitive skin, my lips are chapped and my skin is so dry. Thank God for good chapped stick and lotion! I will remember this the next time i complain about how hot it is in the summer.

Well my hubby just got out of the shower so it's time to wrap this up get our continental breakfast and hit the road. We are hoping to make it to Missouri by tonight, please keep us in your prayers for traveling mercies. We would greatly appreciate it!!!!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Coming soon...Tour across the U.S.A ~ Personal {Oregon Photographer...Shelley Hohe}

Oh yeah! A road trip across the exciting!!! Soon we will be driving across the country to visit our family on the east coast. Our destination...Pinehurst, North Carolina to be exact. It's been almost 10 years since my Dad and step-mom moved from California to the beautiful and majestic Pinehurst area in NC. They went out there to visit and play golf at one of the finest golf resorts in the world, the next thing you know they were moving out there. Can you blame them, what else could you want if you were a huge golfer about to retire??? As Top Ten Golf Resorts in the World says Pinehurst offers a quintessential southern getaway! It must be "the" place to be, because after my step-sisters went out for a visit they ended up moving out there as well.

In the last almost 10 years my Dad and Step-mom have come to Oregon to visit us many times, but we haven't ever made it out to where they live. Flying was always a huge factor for me (i am not a huge fan being 27,000 feet in the air ) and we never were able to take much time off to be able to be gone long enough to drive. Well now that we are in the process of moving back to California and in between jobs for my husband we thought now is the perfect time to take advantage of going across the U.S.A

The last few weeks i have been sick so i haven't been able to get that excited. Now that i am feeling much better it is sinking in that we are in for a great adventure. Some big stops we will be making along the way is Salt Lake City Utah, Topeka Kansas...home of the greatest Wizard of Oz museum ( and my all time favorite movie..."there's no place like home") and Knoxville Tennessee where we get to spend a few days with Roberts brother and sister in law.

Roberts brother is the restaurant manager of the famous steak house Ruth's Chris and do you know who gets to go eat there???? You guessed it, we do :) Besides being a restaurant manager, he is an awesome cook and he makes the most delish chocolate pecan pie in the whole wide world! My sister in law said he is making one especially for me, i am dreaming about my first bite already Mmmmm mmmm!

It will be so fun to check out the beautiful area they live in. Maybe we will even get the chance to bump into some famous country recording artists at the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville Tennessee, wouldn't that be a hoot!! Besides visiting with my brother and sister in law we are also hoping to get the chance to meet up with an old high school friend, his wife and their new baby boy.....i think a baby photo session is in store for this photographer ;)

Our final stop and destination is Pinehurst North Carolina where we will spend the majority of our trip visiting with my Dad, step-mom, step-sisters, niece and nephew. It will be so nice to get some quality time with them and to check out the majestic place they live in. I miss living close to my Dad so i will definitely be soaking up every minute i have with him. I am just so excited to get a whole week of waking up and having breakfast with them, taking a nice walk with them around the beautiful golf resort where they live and to be able to explore the history of the east coast will be so fascinating to me.

I have been studying up on Pinehurst with the kids so they could get an idea of where we are going and 3 things that we keep learning is that they are known for their rich history, their southern hospitality and being known as the golf capital of the world. Not only is golf a main attraction there but Pinehurst Resort also offers one of the top 50 tennis experiences according to Tennis Magazine. We sure love tennis, we might have to just bring our racquets with us ;)

During this road trip i have decided to take full advantage my my camera gear. I am hoping to document every thing and new place i see in pictures. I will be taking many pictures and sharing them along the way. I am getting notebooks for the kids and myself to also document in as well. I am hoping to find notebooks with pockets for postcards and items we collect along the way. This will be one geography lesson our kids will never forget!

So don't forget to stay tuned in for our "Tour across the U.S.A {IN PICTURES}" coming soon to a blog near you!